For guests who have sensory processing needs:

The Museum has partnered with KultureCity® to enhance our ability to assist and accommodate guests with sensory needs. Our goal is to provide an inclusive experience for all guests during all events. We strive to raise awareness of the needs and challenges faced by individuals with sensory processing needs by supplying our staff with annual training and by offering the resources and accommodations below to our guests.

KultureCity® Sensory bags

KultureCity® Sensory bags containing special KCVIP badges, feeling thermometer, fidget tools, and noise-canceling headphones are available for checkout (at no cost) at our front desk located in the Museum Visitors Center. Sensory bags can be used for all abilities of all ages.


Download a sensory map of the Museum’s sixth floor exhibit.


Visit the Museum’s KultureCity® page for additional information or download the KultureCity® App below, where guests can find the Museum’s sensory story.

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