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T28 Jack Ruby vs. the State: Appeal to the Criminal Court of Appeals of Texas

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T28 Jack Ruby vs. the State: Appeal to the Criminal Court of Appeals of Texas

The State of Texas (Plaintiff) vs Jack Ruby (Defendant), In Criminal District Court No. 3, Honorable Joe B. Brown Judge Thereof Presiding, Jack Ruby (Appellant) vs The State of Texas (Appellee), Appealed to the Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas, Offense: Murder with Malice, as Charged in the Indictment.Appeal document filed on September 1, 1964, summarizing proceedings conducted against and for Jack Ruby by the State of Texas and his defense lawyers in the case titled No. E-4010-J. Lawyers Clayton Fowler, Joe H. Tonahill, Phil Burleson and Emmet Colvin Jr. represented Ruby in this appeal.Includes copies of letters testifying that in April 1964, two weeks after the jury found him guilty of murder with malice, Jack Ruby was examined by Dr. Louis Jolyon West and found to be insane at that time, as well as possibly suicidal. The document retains original blue covers; 445 typed pages on office paper.Typed text on the covert:"No. E-4010-JThe State of Texas, Plaintiffvs.Jack Rubenstein alias Jack Ruby, DefendantIn Criminal District Court No. 3 of Dallas County, TexasBefore the Honorable Joe B. Brown, Judge thereof presidingJack Rubenstein alia Jack Ruby, Appellantvs.The State of Texas, AppelleeAppealed to the Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas at Austin, TexasClayton Fowler706 Main St.Dallas, TexasJoe H. TonahillJasper, TexasPhil Burleson2420 LTV TowerDallas, TexasEmmett Colvin, Jr.706 Main St.Dallas, TexasAttorneys for DefendantOffense: Murder with malice, as charged in the indictment"

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T28 Jack Ruby vs. the State: Appeal to the Criminal Court of Appeals of Texas






14 1/8 × 8 5/8 × 2 in. (35.9 × 21.9 × 5.1 cm)

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Dallas County District Clerk Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza

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The Museum recorded oral histories with Ruby defense attorneys Joe Tonahill and Phil Burleson. - Stephen Fagin, Curator

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T28 Jack Ruby vs. the State: Appeal to the Criminal Court of Appeals of Texas

The State of Texas (Plaintiff) vs Jack Ruby (Defendant), In Criminal District Court No. 3, Honorable Joe B. Brown Judge Thereof Presiding, Jack Ruby (Appellant) vs The State of Texas (Appellee), Appealed to the Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas, Offense: Murder with Malice, as Charged in the Indictment.Appeal document filed on September 1, 1964, summarizing proceedings conducted against and for Jack Ruby by the State of Texas and his defense lawyers in the case titled No. E-4010-J. Lawyers Clayton Fowler, Joe H. Tonahill, Phil Burleson and Emmet Colvin Jr. represented Ruby in this appeal.Includes copies of letters testifying that in April 1964, two weeks after the jury found him guilty of murder with malice, Jack Ruby was examined by Dr. Louis Jolyon West and found to be insane at that time, as well as possibly suicidal. The document retains original blue covers; 445 typed pages on office paper.Typed text on the covert:"No. E-4010-JThe State of Texas, Plaintiffvs.Jack Rubenstein alias Jack Ruby, DefendantIn Criminal District Court No. 3 of Dallas County, TexasBefore the Honorable Joe B. Brown, Judge thereof presidingJack Rubenstein alia Jack Ruby, Appellantvs.The State of Texas, AppelleeAppealed to the Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas at Austin, TexasClayton Fowler706 Main St.Dallas, TexasJoe H. TonahillJasper, TexasPhil Burleson2420 LTV TowerDallas, TexasEmmett Colvin, Jr.706 Main St.Dallas, TexasAttorneys for DefendantOffense: Murder with malice, as charged in the indictment"

Object Details
Object title:

T28 Jack Ruby vs. the State: Appeal to the Criminal Court of Appeals of Texas




Jack Ruby trial


Court records



Mental health

Brown, Judge Joe B.

Tonahill, Joe H.

Colvin, Emmett, Jr.

Fowler, Clayton

Sawyer, Phyllis

Burleson, Phil

West, Louis Jolyon

Ruby, Jack

Texas Court of Criminal Appeals

Criminal District Court No. 3

Dallas County Criminal Courts Building

Dallas County District Attorney's Office

State of Texas






14 1/8 × 8 5/8 × 2 in. (35.9 × 21.9 × 5.1 cm)

Credit line:

Dallas County District Clerk Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza

Object number:


Curatorial Note:

The Museum recorded oral histories with Ruby defense attorneys Joe Tonahill and Phil Burleson. - Stephen Fagin, Curator