December 22, 2023

KRLD-TV Tape II and original box

original videotape; CBS network 9:28- 10:58 am;

CBS News Special Report hosted by Walter Conkrite and featuring Dan Rather and Nelson Benton; coverage of body in repose, rifle at Dallas Police Department, LBJ, Pope Paul VI’s statement, Mass at Hyannis Port, Mass at St. Patrick’s, McCormick in line as VP;

LET FREEDOM RING (show featuring Mormon Tabernacle Choir);
CBS station ID;
CBS News Special Report with Walter Cronkite;
Body in repose at White House East Room;
Back to Cronkite;
Dan Rather, Oswald cuffed and brought to station;
Oswald Press Conference clip;
Cop carries rifle through hallway;
Rather with more updates, technical difficulties, back to Cronkite;
Cronkite to Charles von Fremd in Washington;
LBJ’s car leaves Spring Valley-area house to White House;
Cronkite pitches to Marvin Kalb in Washington at State Dept;
Says Marxist LHO has State Dept concerned, Dallas Police had wanted to charge LHO as “plot of international Communism”;
Walter on LBJ’s health, JFK body in repose;
Pope Paul statement ;
Walter pitches to Jim Jensen in Hyannis Port;
ext of St Francis Xavier church where Rose & family having high mass for JFK, Kennedy attends;
back to Cronkite;
Walter pitches to high mass said at St Patrick’s in NY;
cut to intv w/Det Paul Bentley on crutches, on capture of LHO quotes “This is it. It’s all over with now”;
Cronkite goes to George Herman at White House;
Herman on LBJ’s day so far and the rest of the day;
Walter on who were told the President was dead, his father, Connally, children unknown
Nelson in hallway waiting for Oswald to be brought down
Walter on schedule of events, stock market, and second in line to Presidency Speaker McCormick;
cut to Eisenhower in car outside White House, waiting to pay respects.

December 22, 2023

KRLD-TV Tape IV and original box

original videotape; CBS network 12:20-1:41;

Dignitaries arriving to White House North Portico, v/o commentary;
Cronkite reports on LHO interrogation;
Nelson Benton interviews Jesse Curry in Dallas;
Nelson Benton interviews Glen King in Dallas re: other suspects;
Cronkite update on list of overseas dignitaries, general updates;
Back to White House, dignitaries visiting;
Cronkite on possible motives, Johnson to meet with cabinet, updates;
Station ID;
CBS Symphony Orchestra “In Memorarium” concert.

December 22, 2023

16mm film reel, WFAA-TV, Assassination/Oswald

16mm film reel, WFAA-TV, Assassination/Oswald;

16mm b&w, sound & MOS. Opens with motorcade, assassination aftermath to Parkland. Shots inside DPD, bloodstain on floor. Interview with Marguerite Oswald. Ends with 1964 Jack Ruby trial.

December 22, 2023

KRLD-TV Tape I and original box

original 2″ videotape; CBS network 8:00-9:28 am

Mike Wallace/no entertainment or commercial broadcasting until after President’s funeral;
Navy ambulance carrying president’s casket leads procession to White House;
Mike Wallace reports on Mrs. Kennedy’s last moments with husband;
George Herman reports from White House re: quiet mourning turning to public mourning;
Mike Wallace sets up piece about LBJ;
Charles von Fremd reports from LBJ residence re: LBJ awesome responsibility;
Mike Wallace on Khrushchev’s response in Moscow;
Marvin Kalb on Secretary Rusk’s arrival, statement;
Dan Rather set up/Oswald press conference/good shots and audio of Oswald;
Rather VO/Marina Oswald and mother in hall;
Rather VO/Rifle being displayed to press (jumpy video);
Nelson Benton set up/Curry, Fritz, Wade comment on details of Oswald arrest;
Intv with Oswald’s landlady Gladys Johnson (by Lew Wood);
Dan Rather gives update on Connally;
Wallace reads statement from John McCormick, clip of Rockefeller and Goldwater;
Statement from Pope (blurry satellite transmission);
Statement from Great Britain’s Prime Minister;
Announcement to general assembly of UN of president’s death/ condolences to A. Stevenson;
Report on Golden Age nursing home fire;
Mike Wallace/President’s father has not been told/Funeral to be Monday;
CBS Special Report/ VO: All entertainment & commercial programming canceled;
LET FREEDOM RING (show featuring Mormon Tabernacle Choir).

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