December 22, 2023

KRLD-TV Tape 09: “Hall of police station after assassination” and original box

original videotape; Oswald, officer Jim Chaney

Reporters crowd the hallway of the Dallas Police Department. DA Wade (obstructed) announces Oswald charged with death of Tippit; Justice of the Peace David Johnston (obstructed) comments on Oswald arraignment; Oswald escorted down hall, “I did not shoot anybody”; Marina Oswald, mother, child, and Oswald’s brother come down hall; Oswald down hall (obstructed); Jim Chaney interviewed (obstructed).

December 22, 2023

KRLD-TV Tape 06: “Market Hall, Connally doctors, hospital, film stories” and original box

original videotape; luncheon scenes at Trade Mart, Eddie Barker V/O; statements by Erik Jonsson and Reverend Luther Holcomb. Rev. Dr. William H. Dickinson. Eddie Barker & Dan Rather in the studio. 16mm footage of Oswald arrested, pistol. Parkland press conference with Dr. Robert Shaw on Connally’s condition.

Original black and white KRLD-TV news footage of the Dallas Trade Mart and Parkland Hospital on the day of the Kennedy assassination, November 22, 1963. The footage was recorded shortly after the assassination and was recorded on 2″ videotape.

The tape includes Eddie Barker, the news director of KRLD-TV in 1963, reporting from the Dallas Trade Mart as well as interviews with Connally’s doctors, including Dr. Robert Shaw, at Parkland Hospital.

December 22, 2023

KRLD-TV Tape 05: “Flight to DC – net from 5:30 pm” and original box

original videotape; prob CBS coverage at Andrews AFB, but plane actually landed before 5:30 pm

Roger Pierpoint recounts chaos in Dealey Plaza to Parkland;
Andrews Air Force Base, transfer of casket;
Arrival of President Johnson;
Remarks by President Johnson;
Johnson confers with senators, departs via helicopter;
Report from White House, Johnson takes office;
Pierpoint recounts events in Dallas;
Dan Rather v/o Kennedy’s leaving Carswell, arrival at Love, motorcade, Parkland film footage, aftermath in Dallas;
Cronkite reports on LHO’s arrest, footage of Oswald handing out pamphlets;
Eric Sevareid reports on LBJ’s experience.

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