February 1, 2024

Photocopy of letter to the Board of Managers at Parkland Hospital

 One copy of a 2 page handwritten letter to a member of the Board of Managers for Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, Texas. The letter refers to the events of the weekend of the assassination as “… this past Fri, Sat + Sunday…,” dating it for the week following Friday, November 22, 1963. The letter is written by the District 2 Dallas County Commissioner, Mel G. Price. The letter reads:

“Mr. [?], Member of the board of Mgrs-
Parkland, Hosp-
I feel that the Commissioners Court of Dallas County has little to do with the actual administration policy and technical operation of Parkland Hospital but (2x underlined) in a time of crisis, as you faced this past Fr, Sat + Sunday, the Administration and all employees did display real ability. This outstanding ability to meet a real crisis in the death of our President, critical wounding of our Gov. and death of the man accused of the shootings simply displays what an efficient, effective way this Hospital Board has worked in the past.
This board is certainly to be commended for all of the work they do; the many timeless hours of deliberation which in the end proved that you had done your job exceptionally well. Dallas County, The Commissioners Court, and each individual has a right to be proud of the way you and Parkland delivered. I, as a private citizen and a Commissioner of Dallas County am certainly proud and do commend you for the way your team met the time of real trial. Cooperation was the by-word and the leadership this Board provides and the Administration, under C.J. Price, delivers, certainly is to be appreciated –
I personally thank you for your work!-
[signature] Mel Price”

February 1, 2024

Letter concerning the disposition of Trauma Room I at Parkland Hospital

 Original 1 page, typed, of a letter concerning Trauma Room I at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, Texas dated Monday, August 13, 1973. The letter is on a Dallas County Hospital District Office Memorandum form. Handwritten in pencil in the upper right corner of the page is “JFK History.” The letter reads:

“To: Mr. John R. Willis / Senior Assistant Administrator
Date: August 13, 1973
Subject: Trauma I

Just a note to document our conversation on August 9th concerning the present status and future disposition of Trauma Room I.

A. I have informed Mr. Eiler that it was agreeable to us that his people remove the equipment in Trauma I at the same time they remove the room. In this way, we will not have to expend the energy and space to store it ourselves until the funds come through.

B. Mrs. Morton in Central Supply is gathering obsolete supplies that were in use in the Emergency Room in 1963 (glass syringes, reusable needles, etc.) She has been using the 8×10 photo of Trauma I taken sometime between the time of the funeral and December 9, 1963 to identify some of the moveable equipment and supplies.

C. The exact mechanics of the Emergency Room move with respect to Trauma I have not been worked out yet. I have spoken to Mrs. Nelson and the only recognizable non-authentic item in the room will be the craftsman cart. We do plan on switching the overhead spot with Trauma II as they are both identical models. I will be on hand the morning of the move and will see to it that the contents of the room are not moved and that Engineering puts a lock on the door.

D. Mr. Eiler’s people will be here on Friday, August 17, to remove the equipment and begin removing the room. This date is naturally subject to change at our discretion if the need arises.

Respectfully submitted,
[Handwritten signature (black ink)]
Thomas G. Byrne
Administrative Resident


cc: Robert E. Clark”

January 31, 2024

Photocopy of floor plan of emergency area at Parkland Hospital

 One, 1 page copy of the Emergency Area floor plan at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, Texas. The floor plan appears to have been drawn on graph paper. Each area is labeled, and the drawing includes entrances and hallways that lead to certain areas not pictured here. There is also some typed text with descriptions or further information about what is inside each room.

January 31, 2024

List of charges for treatment in the Emergency Room for President John F. Kennedy

 One original handwritten (in blue ink) list of charges for treatment for President John F. Kennedy at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, Texas on Friday, November 22, 1963. The note is written on a Dallas County Hospital District Office Memorandum to Mr. Robert Struwe with a list of treatments performed on President Kennedy that are being charged.

The memo reads:
“To: Mr. Robert Struwe
Subject: Charges for treatment in the Emergency Room for President John F. Kennedy / # 24740 11/22/63

1- Tracheotomy tray
2- Closed drainage tray
3- Venasction(?) tray (2)
4- 1000 cc Ringers Lactate x3 bottles
5- 500 cc O-neg blood + set
6- Endotracheal tube
7- Ipp B. (?)
8- 4 Draw sheet
1 plastic mattress cover.
[signature] Doris Nelson”

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