February 20, 2024

News coverage from CBS/WCAU

2 CD set of radio news coverage from CBS/WCAU in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The CD’s contain approximately 2 hours of news coverage of the assassination of President Kennedy, from 2:30-4:30 CST on 11/22/63.

February 1, 2024

Memo concerning list of persons employed at Parkland Memorial Hospital since 1963

 One original copy of a 1 page typed cover letter, with handwritten notes, for a list of Persons Still Employed Since 1963 at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, Texas dated Wednesday, October 12, 1977. The cover letter references an attached list that was made due to a previous conversation between C. J. Price and Donald M. Davis. The letter is typed on a Dallas County Hospital District Office Memorandum form.

The letter reads:
“Date: October 12, 1977
Subject: Persons Still Employed Since 1963
To: Mr. C. J. Price / Administrator

Attached herewith is a list of people by department who were employed since 1963. You had indicated your interest in this list, as a potential for a name memorial in the lobby. While the plans may have changed somewhat, there may be other projects you are considering which would involve these employees.

Submitted for your information.
[Signature in black ink]
Donald M. Davis / Administrative Assistant / lt/attmt.”

There is handwriting in pencil and red ink in the upper right corner of the page:
“1) History JFK or 2) Personal.”

February 1, 2024

Preparations regarding President Ford’s visit to Dallas

 Original 1 page, typed memo from Robert E. Clark, Director of Community Relations, to C. J. Price, Administrator, at Dallas County Hospital District (Parkland Memorial Hospital) dated Friday, September 12, 1975. The note is typed on a letterhead of an Office Memorandum, and is regarding preparations for President Gerald Ford’s visit to Dallas, Texas on Saturday, September 13, 1975. The memo addresses the preparations in case of an emergency involving the president or vice president on their visit. Preparations include: giving information to the Blood Bank; setting up White House communications; arrival and departure times for the president and vice president; Secret Service hospital tour and security information; press conference location; hospital management available for that day; and billing information for any medical services.

The signature at the bottom of the page is handwritten in black ink. Handwritten in pencil at the top right corner is “Public Relations (crossed out)” and “History.” Also in pencil above “President’s” in the Subject is “Ford.”

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