Steve Blow Oral History
Videotaped oral history interview with Steve Blow. A sixth grader in Tyler, Texas in 1963, Blow joined The Dallas Morning News in 1978 and wrote an award-winning column from 1989 to 2015. In addition to writing assassination anniversary stories in 1983 and 1988, one of his earliest columns detailed the opening of The Sixth Floor exhibit in 1989. Interview conducted at The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza on August 25, 2015 by Stephen Fagin. The interview is forty-four minutes long.
Steve Blow Oral History
Born digital (.m2ts file)
Duration: 44 Minutes
Oral History Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza
Steve Blow's final column for The Dallas Morning News was published on September 6, 2015, less than two weeks after this oral history was recorded. More than twenty-five years earlier, in a column entitled "Sixth Floor Opens, and a Circle Closes," published in The Dallas Morning News on February 17, 1989, Steve Blow wrote about his first tour through the soon-to-open Sixth Floor exhibit: "My tour became a personal experience, not a professional one.... Tears welled in my eyes at several points, and I chewed on the cap of my pen. It's not professional to cry on assignment." -- Stephen Fagin, Curator

Steve Blow Oral History
Videotaped oral history interview with Steve Blow. A sixth grader in Tyler, Texas in 1963, Blow joined The Dallas Morning News in 1978 and wrote an award-winning column from 1989 to 2015. In addition to writing assassination anniversary stories in 1983 and 1988, one of his earliest columns detailed the opening of The Sixth Floor exhibit in 1989. Interview conducted at The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza on August 25, 2015 by Stephen Fagin. The interview is forty-four minutes long.
Steve Blow Oral History
Oral histories
History of 411 Elm Street and The Sixth Floor Museum (OHC)
The Dallas Morning News
The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza
Childhood Recollections (OHC)
Dallas and 1960s History and Culture (OHC)
News Media (OHC)
Born digital (.m2ts file)
Duration: 44 Minutes
Oral History Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza
Steve Blow's final column for The Dallas Morning News was published on September 6, 2015, less than two weeks after this oral history was recorded. More than twenty-five years earlier, in a column entitled "Sixth Floor Opens, and a Circle Closes," published in The Dallas Morning News on February 17, 1989, Steve Blow wrote about his first tour through the soon-to-open Sixth Floor exhibit: "My tour became a personal experience, not a professional one.... Tears welled in my eyes at several points, and I chewed on the cap of my pen. It's not professional to cry on assignment." -- Stephen Fagin, Curator