December 22, 2023

KRLD-TV Tape IX and original box

original videotape; CBS network 7:28-8:34 pm

CBS News Special Report with Charles Collingwood, “The New President: Lyndon B. Johnson”;
Station ID;
CBS News Special Report: “A Day to Mourn” with Harry Reasoner.

December 22, 2023

KRLD-TV Tape VI and original box

original videotape; CBS network 3:12-4:32 pm

Dignitaries arriving to viewing at White House;
Oswald cuffed inside DPD, to be transferred;
Back to White House, dignitaries continue to arrive;
Cut to DPD, Marina, Mrs. Oswald and child escorted to elevator;
Walter Conkrite on Oswald’s history;
Oswald family getting into patrol car;
Cronkite gives report from USSR on communist motives, removal of effects from WH;
Back to dignitaries arriving at WH;
Report on LBJ’s first day clip – meeting w/McNamara/Eisenhower;
Cronkite to Benton at Police HQ/witnesses bus driver Cecil McWatters & taxi driver William Whaley get in elevator; (unnamed);
Cronkite on global reactions, photo of Khrushchev at US Embassy;
Cronkite shows Oswald press conference clip;
MLK interview re: Death of JFK, civil rights, death threats;
Interviews in DC re: death of JFK;
Cronkite on global reactions, “Red China”;
Eddie Barker Interview with Sarah T. Hughes on swearing in LBJ;
JFK to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery;
LBJ attends church; removal of JFK’s effects from WH; rotunda prepared;
Cronkite reads Soviet propaganda;
Cronkite on D.A. Wade’s comments on the case against Oswald;
Roger Mudd interviews Senator Hubert Humphrey;
Cronkite on Tippit and Bobby Kennedy’s call to the family;
Roger Mudd interviews Senator Ralph Yarborough.

December 22, 2023

KRLD-TV Tape VIII and original box

original videotape; CBS network 5:55-7:28 pm;

Aired November 23, 1963 Saturday 5:30 PM;

This “CBS News Special Report” concerns the personal and political past of President Lyndon B. Johnson and was aired the day after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Includes interviews with Bruce Catton; Richard Neustadt; Justice Thurgood Marshall; Mark Van Doren; Robert L. Heilbroner; Herman Jones, district judge; J.J. Pickle; Lester Palmer, mayor of Austin; Harry Provence, a representative of Newspapers, Inc.; and others.

December 22, 2023

KRLD-TV Tape V and original box

original videotape; CBS network 1:41-3:12 pm

CBS Symphony Orchestra “In Memorarium” concert;
Bill Leonard outside Richard Nixon’s apt waiting for statement from him;
Walter Cronkite reports on Oswald’s first night in jail;
Statement from Richard Nixon expressing condolences;
Cronkite reports on LHO politics /Ballistic tests/JFK body in state;
Statement from Barry Goldwater;
Cronkite reports Nixon and Goldwater will attend JFK funeral;
statement from Secretary-General Tito;
Statement from French foreign minister Couve de Murville;
Statement from Great Britain’s Prime Minister, Sir Alec Douglas-Home;
Statement from mayor of West Berlin, Willy Brandt;
Cronkite reads statement from General Edwin Walker;
Dignitaries arriving at North Portico;
Johnson leaves WH and goes to Executive Offices across street;
statement from Ross Barnett, gov. of Mississippi;
Back to WH visitations.

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