September 27, 2024

Kennedy and LBJ campaigning, 1956-1962

B/W 16mm, SOF, WBAP-TV, 00:18:29

00:00 – 03:33: Sen. Kennedy and Sen. Johnson in Dallas on October 25, 1956 to campaign for Democratic presidential nominee Adlai Stevenson.
03:40 – 04:25: WBAP-TV cameraman Dan Owens checking into a motel. Very likely this was in Massachusetts on or around July 30, 1960 to cover a joint press conference with Kennedy and Johnson at Hyannis Port.
04:25 – 06:44: LBJ arrives for and participates in a joint press conference with Kennedy in Hyannis Port on July 30, 1960.
06:45 – 08:00: LBJ aboard a chartered flight, likely on or around July 30, 1960. This is probably the return flight from Massachusetts or possibly another campaign stop in 1960. The brief segment with Dan Owens does suggest it’s all from the same trip.
08:06 – 12:00: This documents the big Kennedy/Johnson visit to DFW on September 13, 1960. It begins with their arrival in Fort Worth, motorcade to and speech at Burnett Park in Fort Worth. Then at 11:35, there’s a very brief shot of the stop in Arlington. And then, at 11:39, it goes to Kennedy’s speech at Memorial Auditorium in Dallas. It concludes with a shot of a man clearing tickertape from the Dallas motorcade, shot near the Baker Hotel.
12:05 – 13:07: Senator Kennedy greeting crowds and visiting with Senator Ralph Yarborough at Bergstrom Air Force Base in Austin on September 13, 1960, prior to the DFW visit listed above.
13:09 – 14:47: President Kennedy visits Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn at Baylor Hospital in Dallas on October 9, 1961. At 14:05, outside the hospital, Dallas police chief Jess Curry enters from the left and starts to walk inside.
14:48 – 16:53: Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn’s funeral in Bonham, Texas on November 18, 1961. Former President Harry Truman exits vehicle at 15:30, and quick shot of former President Eisenhower at 15:38.
17:08 – 18:28: President Kennedy and Vice President Johnson visit Houston (with Congressman Albert Thomas in bowtie) on September 12, 1962. At 18:01 is Houston Mayor Lewis W. Cutrer, presenting a proclamation.

September 27, 2024

Lyndon Johnson news film compilation

16mm b/w SOF, WBAP-TV, 0:08:52

00:00 – 00:38: Sen. Lyndon Johnson in the early 1950s, based on Johnson’s appearance and his suit coat, which appears to be the same one he wore in his 1949 official Senate photo.
00:43 – 01:06: Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson in Dallas on November 4, 1960. This sequence is specifically in the lobby of the Adolphus Hotel as the Johnsons are trying to walk to the ballroom for a luncheon. At the start, 00:43, there’s a shot of future Republican senator John Tower (looking towards camera). Next to Tower, wearing glasses with a microphone pressed against his stomach, is KRLD-TV broadcaster Jim Underwood.
01:11 – 02:26: Sen. Lyndon Johnson in the early 1950s at Amon Carter Field (later Greater Southwest International Airport). Amon Carter started operating in 1953, so this is sometime in or after ’53.
02:39 – 04:47: Vice President Johnson speaking to the Democratic Men of Dallas County organization at the Baker Hotel in downtown Dallas on April 23, 1963. Also present were the North Dallas Democratic Women’s Club.
05:04 – 05:14: Sen. Lyndon Johnson campaigning at an airport in 1960. Johnson was in Texas multiple times between securing the vice presidential nomination in July and the election in November. He was traveling in Texas without Kennedy on a five-day tour, November 3 to November 7. This might be from that visit.
05:23 – 07:03: Dallas visit of Pakistani camel cart driver Bashir Ahmad, accompanied by Vice President Lyndon Johnson on October 17, 1961. Johnson met Ahmad in Pakistan in May 1961 and invited him to visit the U.S. as his guest. Sequences include visit to Fair Park and Six Flags Over Texas.
07:14 – 08:22: Vice President and Mrs. Johnson at an unknown airport, c. 1962.
08:23 – 08:52: Demonstration of the GAMA GOAT, a six-wheel drive semi-amphibious off-road vehicle at the Chance Vought plant in Dallas in 1962. This sequence may or may not be related to the above sequence with Vice President and Mrs. Johnson at an airport.

September 23, 2024

“JFK special 11/23/1963”

16mm. b/w, SOF, WBAP-TV, 0:52:35

Film footage from 1963 trip to Texas, including Fort Worth breakfast speech. Some investigation and scenes at Parkland. Interviews with bystanders, including Mary Moorman. Interview with Sarah Hughes.

September 23, 2024

“JFK 1st Anniversary” dupe – “Tears, Prayer Mark Remembrance of JFK”

B/W, SOF. WBAP-TV, 12m11s

One year anniversary special reflecting on the JFK assassination.

Title cards:
“Tears, Prayer Mark Remembrance of JFK”
Bystanders reccount seeing the President’s assassination
People in Dealey Plaza, memorial flowers
Shots of Parkland operating room
Cathedral mass
John Connally on lessons from the assassination
dupe footage from JFK in Fort Worth, Oswald in custody, Ruby trial

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