June 16, 2024

KXAS Reel #9

16mm color SOF, WBAP-TV, 0:29:08

Inn of The Six Flags Arlington, TX (where Marina stayed), Gordon Shanklin 10-4-66; Ruby conviction reversed, Phil Burleson (Ruby lawyer), Wade, Tonahill 10-5-66; Belli on latest Ruby verdict c. 1966; Connally in Austin on whether to have new investigation 11-23-66; Ruby goes to Parkland, Decker 12-9-66; Ruby diagnosed with cancer, Parkland official 12-10-66; Update on Ruby condition 12-66; Parkland 12-66; Update on Ruby condition 12-12-66; Ruby cancer inoperable 12-13-66; Parkland, WBAP reporter Alex Burton 12-16-66; Experts tell why Ruby cannot undergo polygraph test 12-23-66.

June 16, 2024

KXAS Reel #8

16mm, color SOF, WBAP-TV 27m25s
Lee Harvey Oswald figure at Southwestern Historical Wax Museum in Fair Park c. 1965 (later moved to Grand Prairie, TX and destroyed by fire 1988); Decker, Ruby, Brown, Burleson, Sam Ruby, Eva Grant, Wade “Judge refuses to hear Ruby Motion” 7/23/65; Ruby, Eva, Sol Dann, “Hearing opens on Judge’s book” 9-9-65; Ruby conviction upheld, Ruby, Brown 9/10/65; Ruling on whether Oswald weapons can be sold to a Denver collector 10/18/65; Jack Ruby c. 1965; Parkland Trauma Room One where President Kennedy treated, 11-22-65; Dealey Plaza 11-22-65; Oswald cab driver William Whaley killed 12-18-65; Chief Curry to step down, Batchelor succeeds him 2/17/66; Oswald guns retained by U.S. government 2/21/66; Chief Batchelor promotes DPD M.W. Stevenson, Glen King, 3/2/66; Ruby appeals continue, Eva, Sam Ruby 3/31/66; Ruby appeals hearing, suggests LBJ plot (same day as above); performer Beverly Oliver promoting movie “Blindfold” in Fort Worth 5/26/66; Jury says Ruby sane 6/13/66; Rubin “Honest Joe” Goldstein says “Freeway to wipe out Deep Ellum” 6/27/66.

June 16, 2024

KXAS Reel #7

16mm b/w SOF, WBAP-TV, 31m12

Aussie critic again in Dallas “Anti-Reds gather for meeting” 8/7/64; Billie Sol Estes’ El Paso, TX shop, 8/30/64; Dancer Little Lynn in Fort Worth 9/3/64 at Skyliner; WC members Russell, Rankin, Boggs, Cooper in Dallas at TSBD 8/64; Oswald room house, Tippit scene, Texas Theatre, Fritz, 8-64; Dallas Times Herald reporter Jim Koethe murder scene 9-21-64; Connally supports Warren Report, hasn’t read all of it yet 9/30/64; Larry Reno charged in Koethe death (later cleared) “Ex-con charged in reporter’s death”; Texas Attorney General Waggoner Carr 10/7/64; Joe Tonahill and Clayton Fowler (Ruby defense attorney); George Bush campaigning for Senate c. 1964; Carl Rowan, USIA, arrives Dallas c. 1964; Marguerite at Oswald grave on first anniversary 11-24-64; Fort Worth night club The Cellar, Pat Kirkwood 12/15/64 “Cellar case goes to jury”; Herbert Philbrick suspicious of Warren Report 3/5/65; Joe Tonahill, Phil Burleson, Brown, Decker, Ruby c. 1965; Eva Grant (Ruby’s sister), Ruby attorney Sol Dann c. 1965; “Tonahill removed from Ruby case” 5/25/1965; Earl Ruby, Eva, Brown (with pipe), Decker, Ruby c. 1964.

June 16, 2024

KXAS Reel #6

16mm b/w SOF, WBAP-TV, 29m30s

Connally at Love Field criticized Ellsworth article 4-23-64; Marie Tippit receives award, Luke Mooney c. 1964; Warren Commission members/staff Dulles, McCloy, Belin arrive in Dallas; Re-creation, Dulles, Belin, Cooper, Russell on release of report; FBI/Secret Service re-creation 5-23-64; Billy James Hargis, Carlos Bringuier speaks in Dallas; Day two of FBI re-enactment 5-24-64; Earle & Dearie Cabell describe Oswald threats; Cabell, John Glenn, detained at Love Field 11-24-63; William F. Buckley in Dallas c. 1964; Arlen Specter in Dallas with Ruby defense attorneys, Bill Alexander; Tippit shooting aftermath witness Warren Reynolds (he was shot 1-23-64).

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