June 7, 2024

“JFK special 11/23/1963”

16mm. b/w, SOF, WBAP-TV, 0:52:35

Film footage from 1963 trip to Texas, including Fort Worth breakfast speech. Some investigation and scenes at Parkland. Interviews with bystanders, including Mary Moorman. Interview with Sarah Hughes.

June 7, 2024

“JFK 1st Anniversary” dupe – “Tears, Prayer Mark Remembrance of JFK”

B/W, SOF. WBAP-TV, 12m11s

One year anniversary special reflecting on the JFK assassination.

Title cards:
“Tears, Prayer Mark Remembrance of JFK”
Bystanders reccount seeing the President’s assassination
People in Dealey Plaza, memorial flowers
Shots of Parkland operating room
Cathedral mass
John Connally on lessons from the assassination
dupe footage from JFK in Fort Worth, Oswald in custody, Ruby trial

June 7, 2024

“JFK 1st Anniversary” dupe – “Tears, Prayer Mark Remembrance of JFK”

B/W, SOF. WBAP-TV, 12m11s

One year anniversary special reflecting on the JFK assassination.

Title cards:
“Tears, Prayer Mark Remembrance of JFK”
Bystanders reccount seeing the President’s assassination
People in Dealey Plaza, memorial flowers
Shots of Parkland operating room
Cathedral mass
John Connally on lessons from the assassination
dupe footage from JFK in Fort Worth, Oswald in custody, Ruby trial

June 7, 2024

Jones 16mm film, Reel 1 (Part 2 of 2)

16mm news film shot by photographers for the Dallas-Fort Worth affiliate WBAP-TV, along with some footage shot by NBC News photographers. Reel 1 (Part 2 of 2).

The films, almost all of which are first generation prints, not original footage, show many aspects of the Kennedy assassination weekend from Fort Worth to Dallas and later events. Only a few minutes of the footage are known to have been seen publicly; some was included in the 1991 film, “JFK” and some appeared in the 1993 PBS/Frontline program “Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?” Collected by donor’s father, G. William Jones.

2006.041.0006 is stored on two separate reels (both R1), 2006.041.0006.0001 – .0002.

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