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Lead window weight from the Texas School Book Depository

1903 – 1950

Lead window weight from the Texas School Book Depository

1903 – 1950

Lead window weight from the Texas School Book Depository

1903 – 1950

Lead window weight from the Texas School Book Depository

1903 – 1950

Lead window weight from the Texas School Book Depository

1903 – 1950

Lead window weight from the Texas School Book Depository

1903 – 1950

Window from the Texas School Book Depository

1903 – 1970

Color slide #01 of inside view of window in Texas School Book Depository

1963 – 1972

Photograph of the exterior of the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photo from the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photo of Dealey Plaza from the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photo of Houston St. from the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photograph of the exterior of the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photograph of the exterior of the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photo of 6th floor sniper’s perch in the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photo of the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photo of the rifle location in the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photo of the rifle location in the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photo of the sniper’s perch in the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photo of the sniper’s perch in the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photo of the sniper’s perch in the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photo of the sniper’s perch in the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photo of the sniper’s perch in the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Contact Sheet 1 from the Dallas Times Herald Collection (copy 1)

11/21/1963 – 11/22/1963

Image of the view of Dealey Plaza from the recreated sniper’s perch


Image of the view of Dealey Plaza from the recreated sniper’s perch


Contact Sheet 4 from the Dalllas Times Herald Collection (copy 2)

11/22/1963 – 11/24/1963

Contact Sheet 2 from the Dallas Times Herald Collection


Image of Dallas Police Detective Robert L. Studebaker in sniper’s perch


Image of Dallas Police Detective Robert L. Studebaker in sniper’s perch


Image of the exterior of the Texas School Book Depository


Image of the exterior of the Texas School Book Depository


Image of the sniper’s perch window at the Texas School Book Depository


Contact Sheet 4 from the Dallas Times Herald Collection (copy 1)

11/22/1963 – 11/24/1963

Image of the entrance and part of exterior of the Texas School Book Depository


Image of the recreated sniper’s perch at the Texas School Book Depository


Image of the recreated sniper’s perch at the Texas School Book Depository


Image of recreated sniper’s perch at the Texas School Book Depository


Image of the sniper’s perch window at the Texas School Book Depository


Photo of the Texas School Book Depository shortly after shots were fired


Negative Strip 28 from the Dallas Times Herald Collection


Image of workers looking out a window above Main Street awaiting the motorcade


Negative Strip 10 from the Dallas Times Herald Collection


Phil Willis Slide #16


Photograph of the Texas School Book Depository shortly after shots were fired


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