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Commemorative coin depicting the Southern Rock Island Plow Company building

circa 1898

Tin ceiling tile from the Texas School Book Depository

circa 1903

Plaster Corinthian capital piece from the Texas School Book Depository

circa 1903

Tin ceiling tile from the Texas School Book Depository

circa 1903

Tin ceiling tile from the Texas School Book Depository

circa 1903

Tin ceiling tile from the Texas School Book Depository

circa 1903

Window from the Texas School Book Depository

1903 – 1970

Lead window weight from the Texas School Book Depository

1903 – 1950

Brick from the Texas School Book Depository

1903 – 1970

Lead window weight from the Texas School Book Depository

1903 – 1950

Lead window weight from the Texas School Book Depository

1903 – 1950

Wooden “SHAFT” sign from the Texas School Book Depository

1903 – 1970

Green light fixture from the Texas School Book Depository

1903 – 1970

Brick from the Texas School Book Depository

1903 – 1970

Green light fixture from the Texas School Book Depository

1903 – 1970

Lead window weight from the Texas School Book Depository

1903 – 1950

Brick from the Texas School Book Depository

1903 – 1970

Lead window weight from the Texas School Book Depository

1903 – 1950

Lead window weight from the Texas School Book Depository

1903 – 1950

Monroe adding calculator

1922 – 1939

Teletalk office intercom

circa 1940

Webster Electronics speaker

circa 1940

Emerson DX356 radio


Black and white photo of The Dallas Morning News photography department

circa 1955

Decorative breeze block brick from the Texas School Book Depository

circa 1955

Wollensak 73 8mm magazine turret camera and box

1950 – 1959

Kodak Brownie 8mm movie camera

circa 1956

Jack Ruby’s grey fedora

circa 1960

Plastic number sign from the door to Trauma Room One at Parkland Hospital

circa 1960

Jack Ruby’s business card for The Carousel Club

circa 1962

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