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Photo of the sniper’s perch in the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photo of 6th floor sniper’s perch in the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photo of the entrance to the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photo of the 2nd floor lunchroom in the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photo of a 2nd floor hallway in the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

“This Month in Dallas” featuring ads for Jack Ruby’s Carousel Club

November 1963

Photo of the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald’s rooming house

November 1963

Photograph of Elm Street and the triple underpass

November 1963

Photo from the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photo of Dealey Plaza from the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photo of Houston St. from the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photograph of the exterior of the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photo of the sniper’s perch in the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photo of the 2nd floor vestibule in the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photo of stairs near the rifle location in the Texas School Book Depository

November 1963

Photo of the rifle location in the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photograph of boxes on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository

November 1963

Photo of Dealey Plaza from the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photograph of the entrance to the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photo of the 2nd floor vestibule in the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photo of the sniper’s perch in the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

District Attorney’s card index to information gathered investigating Jack Ruby

November 1963 – March 1964

Schematic diagram of the Oswald shooting

November 1963 – March 1964

Photograph of the Texas Theatre

November 1963

Photo of the entrance to the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photo of the stairs in the lobby in the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photo of a 2nd floor office inside the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photograph of the exterior of the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

Photograph of the exterior of the Texas School Book Depository building

November 1963

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